Beverly Flight Center is strongly recommending our customers to follow the following procedures.

Safety is Beverly Flight Centers priority, however with these procedures, Noise Abatement Procedures – Good Neighbor Policy
The neighborhoods in the area have formed an Airport Noise Committee. BFC, NAA, the KBVY Tower and KBVY management met with members of the committee. The policies are:
1. During the week, prior to 08:00, no touch and go’s.

2. During the weekend, no touch and go’s prior to 10:00.

3. No touch and go’s on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4 th , Labor Day, Thanksgiving and

4. Touch and go’s can be performed at multiple airports to limit the number of touch and go’s at Beverly Airport. As an example, do 5 touch and go’s at Lawrence Airport and 5 touch ad go’s at Beverly Airport.

5. No intersection take-offs, only full length.

6. Night operations that remain in the KBVY Traffic Pattern will all be landing to a full stop and taxi back for a full-length runway takeoff. Night takeoff and landings are limited to 5 where the aircraft is remaining in the traffic pattern. KBVY Traffic Pattern operations will end at approximately 22:30.

7. Night operations to other airports and returning to KBVY as the destination for a full stop landing do not have a timeframe limitation.

8. We have updated the Flight Safety Procedures and Policies, Pre-Solo Knowledge Test and the BFC Flight Review form to emphasize to all pilots what to do to minimize take-off noise. The alignment for this with the POH and the AIM is to use the full length of the runway, rotate
at Vr, accelerate to Vy climbing to 700 AGL prior to beginning a crosswind turn or a departure turn.we hope to minimize the amount of noise throughout the neighborhood.

-During the week, no touch and go’s prior to 08:00.

-During the weekend, no touch and go’s prior to 10:00.

-No intersection take-offs, only full length. Rotate at Vr (rotation speed), accelerate to Vy (best rate of climb) climbing to 700 AGL prior to beginning a crosswind turn or a departure turn.

-We have updated the Pre-Solo Knowledge Test and the BFC Flight Review form to emphasize to all pilots what to do to minimize take-off noise.