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Gregory Woo
CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP, Chief Cirrus Instructor Pilot
Platinum CSIP (Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot)
“I love helping students grasp, and eventually master the art of safely handling the airplane and managing their flights. Seeing their growth in skill and judgment is extremely rewarding and the student’s smiles make all the work worthwhile.” – Greg Woo
Greg has been flying at the Beverly Flight Center since 1989. He loves flying, learning, and teaching. He earned his instrument rating, commercial pilot’s license, multi-engine rating, and flight instructor’s licenses at the Beverly Flight Center and is committed to providing his students with the best possible learning experience.
Greg is constantly studying to learn more about flying and instructing. He recently earned his Ph.D. at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University studying aviation safety and human factors. Greg is a factory-trained Platinum CSIP who leads our team of Cirrus Aircraft flight instructors. He is also a member of the New England FAA Safety Team.